Illustrative Computer Graphics

Lecture: Prof. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Consultations: Thomas Lindemeier, Room: Z 711
Date: Thursdays, 8:15 - 11:30, Z 714 (kitchen)
Consultation: Wednesday 10.00 - 11:00 or appointments


Qualified students:
Information Engineering students, bachelor in-depth lectures or master program

Experience similar to modules Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science, Informatics I and Computer Graphics and interactive Systems (or similar), elementary programming skills. Register with StudIS.

The Illustrative Computer Graphics focus on approaches to automatically abstract images and geometry data and on the simulation of artistic processes like painting with oil and water colors.

  • 2D-Methods for the production of non-photorealistic Computer Graphics (Dithering, Halftoning, artistic screening, Stipping)
  • Manipulation of 2.5-dimensional Data (Images with depth), edge enhancement, depth differences, Unsharp Masking
  • Non-photorealistic rendering of 3D Geometry data (Computation of geometric Features, Minima and Maxima of derivations and curvatures, finding silhouettes, numerical problemes)

A good overview is collected here

This is a special course with integrated practical coursework. Participants will implement small programs within the lectures within groups of two students each. Programming language will be Java, we will use the processing framework. Computers are given, however it is  suggested that students bring their own laptop. Please install Processing (version 3.2.1) before attending the lecture.

Credit requirements:
Course achievement: 50% of the points of the practical exercises
Examination: depend on the number of participants oral examination (20min)

Examination date:
Oral examination of 20 min (room Z 708)
First date: 28.02
Second date: 18.04
Please enter in the list, which you''ll find in Z 710 or send an Email to Ingrid Baiker.
Grade: Result of the examination

6 credits for the succesfull participation.


Thomas Strothotte, Stefan Schlechtweg: Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Morgan Kaufmann

Gooch & Gooch:
Non-Photorealistic Rendering
A. K. Peters