(c) Maurizio Pesce

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Rooms and Dates

Room ZT1202, Thursday 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
First lecture: 24/10/24

Room ZT1202, Tuesday 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM
Room P912, Tuesday 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM
First exercise: 29/10/24

For lecture dates and registration please consult the ZEuS of the Universität Konstanz. The exercise can be found here.

Important: This course makes extensive use of the Unity Engine. The Unity basics taught in the Unity Crash-Course. Knowledge about Unity, obtained either from the crash course or your own previous work, is a prequisite for attending the course.


In this course an introduction to the technical and conceptual parts of virtual and augmented reality is provided. The content of this lecture is the processing pipeline from given input in form of geometry information that is applied to scene graphs, applications of virtual reality in daily life and the understanding of immersion. This is enhanced by exercises and student projects with a VR head-mounted display.

Qualified Students
Computer Science or Information Engineering students, bachelor in-depth lectures or master program.

Knowledge in C# or knowledge in other object-oriented programming languages. Basics of computer graphics.
The Unity basics taught in the Unity Crash-Course are prequisites for attending the course.

Credit requirements
Oral examination (20 min)

Oral Examination Date
First examination dates: TBD
Second examination date: TBD
Registration for the time slot via a list in room ZT808.

Successful participation yields 6 ECTS.

After you log in the link to the Lab plan and the slided of the practical course will be available.

Previous Student Projects

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